Data Analysis with Docker

Peter Humburg

19th May 2015



What is Docker?

  • Platform designed for developing, distributing and running applications.
  • A Docker image contains an application and all its dependencies.
  • Can be run anywhere with minimal setup and configuration.

What is Docker? (cont.)

  • Similar to a Virtual Machine but lightweight, more portable and efficient.
  • A new Docker image can be based on an existing one, inheriting all its content and functionality.
  • Multiple images can be linked to create more complex environments.

Using Docker

  • An application and its dependencies are bundled as a Docker image.
  • Docker images are distributed via DockerHub or other repositories.
  • Images are downloaded to host machines (local or in the cloud).
  • Running a Docker image produces a Docker container that contains the running application.
  • Multiple containers can be created from the same image.

How is this relevant for data analysis?

  • Provides stable environment during analysis
    • Full control over all software versions used.
    • Independent of host system.
  • Helps to make analysis reproducible
    • Docker provides a way to distribute the complete environment used for the analysis.
    • This can include all the software, a script to run the analysis and even the data.

Building a Docker image for data analysis

Differential expression / eQTL analysis

Want to create an image that

  • runs a specified analysis on start-up
  • generates a report and serves it as a web page (including pdf download) * 
  • provides interactive access to allow further investigation
 *  Using techniques described here


  • Set up Docker image with support for differential expression and eQTL analysis using R.
  • Will show parts of relevant Docker file throughout. Complete file is available online.


  • A Dockerfile is a plain test file that contains a series of instructions to build a Docker image.
  • Can use an existing image as base.
  • Lists instructions to
    • install additional software
    • configure the software inside the image
    • copy files

Choosing a base image

  • Can either build upon an existing image or start from scratch.
  • DockerHub provides a large number of images that can serve as a starting point.
  • For an analysis that relies mostly on R the Bioconductor images are a good starting point.
  • A minimal Docker file also requires a maintainer field.
FROM bioconductor/release_microarray:latest
MAINTAINER Peter Humburg <>

The Bioconductor images

  • Bioconductor provides a series of images with different collections of Biocoductor packages installed.
  • The base image contains R, RStudio and the BiocInstaller package.
  • The core image contains the base image and basic BioC infrastructure.
  • Application specific images build on core: flow, microarray, proteomics, sequencing.
  • All images are available for the development and release versions of Bioconductor.

Customising the image

  • Install LaTeX, pandoc and a web server.
  • Add analysis code.
  • Configure the image to run the analysis and provide access to HTML and PDF versions of resulting report.

Downloading software

  • Can install software using apt-get or through other channels.
RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y haskell-platform nginx \ 
    lmodern texlive-full libssh-dev  
RUN cabal update && cabal install pandoc
  • Software not available through a package management system can be downloaded and installed directly.
  • Install PLINK by downloading the executable.
RUN cd /tmp && wget -q && unzip && cp plink /usr/local/bin/ 

Install R packages

  • Can execute any command in the shell.
  • Everything installed by previous commands is available.
RUN Rscript -e "biocLite(c('dplyr', 'tidyr', 'devtools', \
        'illuminaHumanv3.db', 'pander', 'ggdendro'))"
RUN Rscript -e "devtools::install_github('hadley/readr')"

Setting-up the analysis

  • Analysis uses two main files
    • Actual analysis contained in RMarkdown file
    • Driver script that runs knitr and pandoc, handles errors, copies the completed report to the web server, etc.

Include analysis scripts

Add data and code to the image

COPY data/ /analysis/data/
COPY heatshock_analysis.* default.pandoc /analysis/

Running the analysis

  • Bioconductor uses Supervisor to run RStudio
  • Adapt Supervisor config file to also run the analysis on startup.
command=/usr/bin/Rscript /analysis/analysis.r
COPY config/supervisored.conf /tmp/
RUN cat /tmp/supervisored.conf >> /etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf

Displaying results

Using the Docker image

Starting the container

  • Share host directory with container to store knitr cache to allow cache to persist beyond lifetime of container.
  • Map ports for RStudio and web site to host ports.
docker run -v /path/to/project/analysis/cache/:/analysis/cache/ \
    -p 9999:80 -p 8787:8787 analysis

Viewing results

  • Access the HTML report at http://<>:9999
  • Further explore the data and results interactively through RStudio running at http://<>:8787.



  • Docker provides a stable environment for analysis
  • Can be used to distribute data, analysis and results
  • Makes it much easier to reproduce results


  • Docker images can become large (and accumulate on the host)
  • Running docker requires root access
  • Sharing files with the host can be tricky